Unmatched Flexibility in Lending Software: SparkLMS Deployment Solutions

Lending Software

Unmatched Flexibility in Lending Software: SparkLMS Deployment Solutions

Date published: 10 Apr 2018

Table of Contents


The deployment option is one of the main decisions to make when evaluating a loan management platform for any lending portfolio. Should it be cloud-based? Self-hosted? A hybrid? How should lenders decide? Most importantly, can the Lending Software that has been chosen offer a deployment option for the lender's specific needs?

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Deployment Option in Lending Software

There are many aspects to consider:

  • Compliance with industry regulations
  • Financial considerations – CapEx, OpEx, ROI
  • Time to market requirements
  • Lender’s existing infrastructure
  • Maintenance and Support

This guide will help you to decide which deployment option suits your Lending Software. SparkLMS’s multiple deployment strategies can benefit lenders from the flexibility of a loan management solution perfectly tailored to their portfolio’s unique business needs. The illustration below provides a summary of flexible deployment options offered by SparkLMS Lending Software.

SparkLMS SaaS: Fully Hosted Cloud Solution

It is a fully hosted model on the cloud with a lender’s Website, Landing Pages, CMS (Content Management System), LMS Front end, workflow, and data residing in SparkLMS infrastructure with the highest performance, stability, redundancy, and security levels. With this offering, SparkLMS provides end-to-end support for all aspects of the Lending Life Cycle. It is suitable for lenders who do not have an IT team.

SparkLMS SaaS Hybrid: Hybrid Hosting Model

In this model, the lender’s website and landing pages are hosted in the lender’s infrastructure while SparkLMS, including the Front end, workflow, and data, will reside in SparkLMS infrastructure and will be managed by the SparkLMS team. In addition, the database of the lender’s SparkLMS instance is mirrored to the lender’s database server so that all the data is always readily available to the lender. It suits lenders with web development and digital marketing teams to manage lead acquisition.

SparkLMS On-Premise: Self-Hosted Solution

SparkLMS and the websites are hosted in the lender’s infrastructure. The lender takes on the responsibilities of hosting and managing SparkLMS, including the Front end, workflow, and data from dedicated or cloud servers owned by the lender. This deployment option provides the most significant level of flexibility and control and allows heavy customization. On-premise customers also benefit from the control over their security, reliability, and performance by being deployed behind their firewall. It is suitable for organizations with IT infrastructure and a large IT team.

SparkLMS On-Premise Hybrid: Hybrid Self-Hosting Model

Like the On-premise model, SparkLMS and the websites are hosted in the lender’s infrastructure. However, the SparkLMS Team takes responsibility for maintenance, support, and customization activities as needed by the lender. It is suitable for organizations with an IT infrastructure team but not an IT team.

SparkLMS Public Cloud: Cloud-based Deployment

Deploy and manage SparkLMS instances on cloud services such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure as the lender needs. This option provides greater flexibility, control, and all the benefits of the On-premise model without the capital investment in the lender’s infrastructure. Lenders can manage their public cloud SparkLMS instance by themselves or opt to have the SparkLMS instance managed by the SparkLMS Team.

Benefits of Flexibility with SparkLMS Deployment

SparkLMS is the most flexible and customizable Loan Management System and delivers unmatched flexibility across every aspect of Loan Management System deployment. Unlike other Loan Management Systems with their proprietary platforms and rigid deployment models, SparkLMS provides the freedom to deploy in a manner that best suits every lender’s business. Lenders can choose from various deployment models ranging from true SaaS to Cloud to On-Premise installations.

With SparkLMS Lending Software, lenders can future-proof their implementation with an Automated Loan Processing that will allow them to scale and evolve in an ever-changing business landscape.


Thanks much for taking the time to read through this article. If you are interested in a demo of SparkLMS, write to us at [email protected]